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Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C# (20485)

Course Description
In this course the students will learn the more advanced programming skills and techniques that they can use to optimize their Windows Store app and differentiate their app from other apps in the Windows Store. These advanced skills and techniques include a combination of both design and development skills. The students will also learn about supporting the apps that they have published to the Windows Store.

At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Add animations and transitions in a Windows Store app to improve the user experience.
  • Localize the Windows Store app UI.
  • Brand the Windows Store app and improve the loading experience with a splash screen.
  • Use various storage mechanisms, choose a suitable caching strategy for their Windows Store app, and use advanced file access methods.
  • Create custom controls, extend templated controls, and create and consume WinMD components.
  • Implement the Print and Settings contracts and the Play To API.
  • Work with the Push Notification Service (WNS).
  • Capture media with the camera and microphone.
  • Create and consume background tasks.
  • Discover device capabilities, interact with devices, and act upon sensor data.
  • Implement Windows Store trial licensing and in-app purchasing and advertising.
  • Understand how to manage Windows authentication and web authentication in Windows Store apps.
  • Diagnose problems and monitor application behavior using tracing and profiling tools and APIs.
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Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#

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